Your support helps us grow!

Become a Seed Starter
Just like regular watering helps seeds grow, your regular donation helps us grow.

Volunteer With Us
Join us as a volunteer at the farm. Come prepared to “farm around and find out!”

Come to an Event
Connect with our community of like-minded growers and learners. See what’s “growing on.”
Make a Donation
Your donation can sponsor field trips, cooking workshops, provide a season’s worth of veggies to your neighbors and so much more!
Your monthly commitment is an investment in the young people who will continue to nourish the community long after their time with the FunkyTown Food Project is over.
There are many ways to support growing youth leaders and creating a healthier food system for all. Your one-time donation helps the FunkyTown Food Project with our mission!
In Honor/Memory of
Making a gift to the FunkyTown Food Project is a great way to honor a loved one or celebrate a special occasion. You can also opt to have a letter or email sent, notifying them of your dedication.